2020-21 academic year: information about coronavirus (Covid-19)
In the unprecedented context of the health crisis, communities of ˛ÝÁńÂŰĚł are committed to protect everybody’s safety and to continue teaching and research activities. On this page are the applicable guidelines within PSL and links to components school’s websites, and public health agencies. The info will be regularly updated.
![informations covid-19](http://static.psl.eu/sites/default/files/2020-03/Actu_web_iNfo_covid_Insta.jpg)
Assessment on 2020-09-07
The start of the academic year is based on in-person and remote education. First-year students and newcomers have a larger share of in-person classes to help them fit in the community. Safety regulations, based on the circular issued on September 7 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, are enforced during in-person classes, and in shared places, and in the neighborhood of PSL buildings. The rules include:
- Wearing a face covering it is mandatory in all enclosed spaces, shared facilities, for all movements, in the surroundings of all schools and in the outdoors facilities of the schools;
- Social distancing: as much as possible, people should stay 1 meter away from one another;
- Protective measures: apply at all times.
The rules apply to all student, researchers, teachers, staff members and to everyone in PSL buildings. Should you have questions, or suspect a contamination, please contact the Covid advisor of your school.
The rules in each school:
Below are the rules for all staff, teachers, researchers under contract to PSL headquarters as well as students in CPES, in Sustainability sciences and student-entrepreneurs
- Covid advisor: referent_covid_psl@psl.eu
Key information in 3 guides:
Q & A:
- in all facilities, both in rooms and outdoors
- When possible, stay at least 1 meter (or 1 chair) away from the next person
- Apply (frequent handwashing, a new face covering every 4 hours…)
- Help tracing the cases with the App.
COVID-19 symptoms include:
- Fever (or feeling feverish), chills
- Cough, sore throat, runny nose
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Sudden fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headaches
- New loss of taste or smell
- Diarrhea
- You should call immediately your referring doctor; if you have no referring doctor, call 09 72 72 99 09 (the call is charged, but the service is free, available every day, between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.). You will be given the contact details of a general practitioner. If you are student and you do not have a referring doctoral and no national healthcare card (carte vitale), you can contact the preventive medecine doctor from PSL health service: santeetudiante@psl.eu (07 76 08 63 28). The doctor will prescribe a RT-PCR test (fully reimbursed par public health insurance), will give or prescribe face covering and recommend guidelines for quarantine if applicable.
- You should immediately isolate at home, wear a face covering and keep distances when you see other people and when you have to shop.
- You should tell the COVID adviser in your school or program about your symptoms so that they take the appropriate steps. If you experience difficulty breathing, call the emergency rescue number: 15 (or 114 for the hearing-impaired or deaf peole).
If you are in a PSL facility and you feel sick, please contact at once the COVID adviser of your school or lab, or a colleague or a fellow student; you have to isolate in a dedicated room. The COVID adviser will guide you in the next steps. If you experience intense pain, you have to immediately phone the emergency rescue service, the SAMU (phone number:15; for hearing-impaired or deaf people: 114).
Si j’ai été averti par un appel de la CPAM, d’un médecin, ou de mon référent COVID,
- Si je vis avec la personne positive au COVID, je vais me faire tester immédiatement
- Si je ne vis pas avec la personne positive au COVD, je vais me faire tester 7 jours après mon dernier contact avec elle. Si pendant ces 7 jours, je présente des symptômes, je vais immédiatement me faire tester.
Dans l’un et l’autre cas, je m’isole chez moi jusqu'aux résultats de mon test, je porte un masque en présence d’autres personnes et je surveille mon état.
Si je n'ai pas été averti par le référent COVID de mon établissement, je l'informe de mon état afin qu’il puisse avertir ma structure.
You have been called by the national health insurance, a doctor or the COVID advisor and:
- You live with the person who tested positive: you should immediately get tested;
- You don’t live with the person who tested positive: after you’ve last seen them, wait for 7 days and get tested. However, should you experience symptoms during the 7 days after contact, you should get immediately tested.
Either way, you should isolate at home until you get the results of the test, wear a face covering when people are close to you and monitor your health. If you weren’t contacted by the COVID advisor of your school, you should contact them and they will inform the facility you work in.
Meaning of "close contact"
Anybody who was in close contact with someone tested positive and without efficient protection:
- You or the person tested positive to COVID were not wearing a surgical mask or a face mask certified FFFP2;
- You and the person tested positive to COVID were not wearing a face covering for the general public (a type certified by AFNOR)
- You and the person tested positive to COVID were not separated by a physical barrier such as a pane, or counter window)
When close contact is confirmed
You have been called by the national health insurance, a doctor, or the COVID advisor and:
- You live with the person who tested positive: you should immediately get tested;
- You don’t live with the person who tested positive: after you’ve last seen them, wait for 7 days and get tested. However, should you experience symptoms during the 7 days after contact, you should get immediately tested.
Either way, you should isolate at home until you get the results of the test, wear a face covering when people are close to you and monitor your health. If you weren’t called by the COVID advisor of your school, you should contact them and they will inform the facility you work in.
Your test is positive
- You isolate until you recover, and check your health
- You call the COVID advisor
- CPAM (national health insurance) will call you to trace who you’ve been in close contact with
Your test is negative
- If you live with the covid-positive person, you’ll have to be tested again 7 days after the person recovers. If the test is negative again and you experience no symptoms, you isolate 7 further days, but you can gradually resume usual activities
- If you don’t live with the covid-positive person, you isolate for 14 days after you last saw them, and you can gradually resume usual activities
If you think you have been exposed because you know someone who tested positive, you should contact the COVID advisor in your school or your referring doctor and tell them about the situation. They will tell you what to do.
- Follow the guidelines from your general practitioner
- Immediately call or email the COVID advisor in your school and help them trace the persons you were in close contact with
- The national health insurance service will contact you to make sure all the persons you may have exposed will be traced and warned about safety procedures such as isolation and testing.
You are a student:
- The Covid advisor in your school
- The toll-free phone service managed by the government about the COVID-19 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week): 0 800 130 000
- Your referring doctor, or the PSL Student Health Service: santeetudiante@psl.eu (07 76 08 63 28) Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-5p.m.
You are a teacher, researcher, or staff
- The Covid advisor in your school
- The toll-free phone service managed by the government about the COVID-19 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week): 0 800 130 000.
- Your referring doctor
You can be tested, on your request and without a prescription, even when you don’t experience symptoms. The test is fully reimbursed by the national health service. The process is also available for people who don’t have a health insurance policy.
Test centers have been established in the city councils. Information is available on their website or on .
For instance, Paris City Council offers free testing, for which you don’t need prescription or appointment, even when you don’t have a health insurance policy. Further information:
During this academic year, the PSL Welcome Desk adapted the services to provide international students with personalized mentoring in compliance with safety regulations.
Read the Welcome Desk's FAQ
The University established an emergency assistance fund to support students who experience financial issues, because of the loss of income or because they need digital equipment.
Several calls for applications will be launched during the academic year. Further information:
The government set up the Covid-19 civil reserves for anyone who is available to help vulnerable or impoverished people. A website is available in coordination with the main charitable organizations and the various networks (private organizations, city councils, disability centers, state organizations…) can publish what they need.
- Toll-free number for all questions about Coronavirus COVID-19, available 24h a day et 7d a week: 0 800 130 000.
Toll-free number for all questions about COVID-19: 0 800 130 000
Find a general practitioner if you experience symptoms: 09 72 72 99 09
Emergency phone numbers: 15 SAMU emergency rescue service (114 for hearing-impaired and deaf people)