Beginning of the 2021 academic year: PSL Anthropocene
Faced with the shifts to come, it seems essential that each student be able to grasp, with both nuance and rigor, the major dynamics brought to light by the scientific community. As future citizens, students will have to take part in our collective adaptation to these new climate realities. For the beginning of the 2021 academic year, ̳ suggests, with the support of our students, to highlight the theme of the Anthropocene through a series of conferences and various events available to all.

Conferences and seminars
Inaugural conference: Alain Fuchs and Jean Jouzel: 2021 IPCC assessment report: overview and comments
Jean Jouzel, paleoclimatologist, former vice-chair of the Scientific Working Group of IPCC (2002-2015) and member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC)
Alain Fuchs, President of ̳
Tthursday, September 9, 2021 at 6 p.m. In-person event, available at the invitation of Institut Curie - the event will be live broadcast on PSL's YouTube Channel (weblink available soon)
By Alessandra Giannini, Adjunct Senior Research Scientist à Columbia University, member of the CERES (ENS - PSL)
Location: amphithéâtre Jaurès of the l'ENS - PSL on monday, September 13 at 5:30 p.m.
By Gilles Boeuf (Sorbonne Université) as part of the UE Terre and Société de Mines Paris - PSL
At Mines Paris - PSL on September 16 at 10:45 a.m.
This AGIR (Actions de la Gouvernance Initiées par la Recherche) seminar will include E.M Mouhoud, President of Dauphine - PSL, Marianne Blanchard, INSPE Toulouse /CERTOP, Fabrice Flipo, Mines-Télécom BS, and Stéphanie Monjon, teacher-researcher (LEDa), Environmental Responsibility Delegate, Dauphine - PSL.
Friday, October 1 at 12:15 pm - Dauphine - PSL. Replay in the following days on the PSL Anthropocene playlist
Collecting dew: every drop is significant
By Anne Mongruel, associate professor at Sorbonne Université and member of laboratoire PMMH (ESPCI Paris- PSL)
Wednesday, October 6 at 6:15 p.m. - Amphithéâtre de l'IPGG (Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes).
About bio-based and biodegradable plastic materials
by Carine Robert, associate professor at ENSCP - PSL
Mercury, Venus and Mars: terrestrial planets, yet not Earths
By Thierry Fouchet (OP/LESIA, Observatoire de Paris - PSL, directeur de l’ED 127).
Thursday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Meudon center de l'Observatoire de Paris - PSL
Man and the environment
Small conferences by Maria Sanchez Goni : "The perpetual change of the climate. What is impact on human evolution?" and Muriel Debié, directrice d'études, Spécialiste des christianismes orientaux.
Event organized by EPHE - PSL at Campus Condorcet, October 21 at 4 p.m.
Mural of the climate
Second-year students in the Sustainable Sciences track will host a mural of the climate for students admitted to the first year in Sustainable Science and CPES Multidisciplinary undergraduate degree.
September 25, from 2 p.m. to 5:30, on the Campus Jourdan.
Collaborative waste collection organized by ESPCI Paris - PSL students in the 5th district and beyond. Event available to all PSL members.
October 21 between 2-6 p.m. at the Académie du climat, 2 place Baudoyer, 75004
Theatrical performance
By the third-year students at CNSAD - PSL. They will play the Nulle Part (Nowhere) workshop directed by Anne Monfort and Laure Bachelier-Mazon, based on a text by Kouam Tawa.
Nulle part (Nowhere): October 11 - 14 octobre, théâtre du CNSAD - PSL, 2 bis rue du Conservatoire, 75009. Booking: or
All the lectures will be available on videoconference and broadcast live on the Schools' YouTube channels. To attend an event, click on the title.
Series at the beginning of the academic yeat at PSL: September 1 to October 19, 2021
All the lectures will be available on videoconference and broadcast live on the Schools' YouTube channels. To attend an event, click on the title.