Beginning of the 2023 academic year: series of scientific events centered on sustainable cities
Following on from the cycle on the Anthropocene in 2021 and 2022, this year's scientific season at PSL University explores the theme of the sustainable city. As the UN's eleventh sustainable development goal, this theme is at the heart of major scientific and public issues. Paradoxical places of all possibilities and all inequalities, urban spaces shape our daily lives as much as our imaginations. From technical and technological revolutions to the apprehension of pollution and risks, via geography, urban history and public policies, thinking about the sustainable city invites us to explore all fields of knowledge and to question the notions of public spaces and common goods. A highlight of the new academic year, this series of scientific events reflects the multidisciplinary culture of our university, our determination to contribute to the major challenges of our time, and the commitment of all our communities to a sustainable world.

Conferences & debates
"Sharing the sun - how agrivoltaics could change the future of agriculture and energy supply"
Conference by Etienne Drahi (Total Energie) Jordi Bardosa (E4C, Polytechnique) Polina Volovitch (IPVF, Chimie Paristech PSL) JF Guillemoles (IPVF, CNRS)
- Wednesday, September 6, at 5pm
- Admission subject to availability. Students of Chimie ParisTech - PSL, priority.
Cycle of 2 lectures at ENS - PSL: Les grands enjeux de la transition écologique et sociale 2: Villes durables (Sustainable cities)
"Porous solids for a sustainable city".
Lecture by Georges Mouchamam (ENS - PSL Chemistry Department)
"Le tier lieu: ville durable en action" (The third place: a sustainable city in action)
Lecture by Emanuèle Cunningham Sabot (Geography Department, ENS - PSL)
- Wednesday, September 6 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
- Possibility of following the conference remotely
"The living in the city. Anthropological perspectives"
Lecture by Perig Pitrou (CNRS, "Anthropologie de la vie" team, Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale, Collège de France - PSL)
- Thursday, September 21, from 6pm to 8pm. Amphi Jourdan, campus ENS - PSL, 48 Boulevard Jourdan
- Opening of the cycle Grands enjeux du développement durable des CPES et sciences pour un monde durable (CPES and sciences for a sustainable world)
Webinar "Sustainable cities"
6th TTI.5 webinar with Gonéri LE COZANNET (BRGM, Co-author of the 6th IPCC report), Éric BALLOT (CGS, Mines Paris - PSL) and Pascal STABAT (CES, Mines Paris - PSL).
- Tuesday, September 19 from 1pm to 3pm
- To be continued via zoom
"Light pollution : an astronomical and ecological scourge"
Lecture by Carine Briand (Observatoire de Paris - PSL)
- September, 22nd - from 6pm to 7.30 pm (room opens 6pm, beginning 6.15pm)
- Observatoire de Paris, 77 avenue Denfert-Rochereau, salle Denisse
- We can accomodate around twenty students from outside the Observatory. Please inform us of your presence the 20th of September at latest with a message to
- transmission on
"Quand la ville de Lugdunum des Convènes retourne aux champs: recyclage, déchets et réversibilité d'un espace urbain / Responses of organisms to urban environmental pressures"
Lecture by William Van Andringa (Director of Studies, Historical Sciences, EPHE - PSL) / Claudie Doums (Director of Studies, Life and Earth Sciences, EPHE - PSL)
- Tuesday afternoon, October 3 (to be confirmed)
"To decarbonize cement, change it or do without it".
Lecture by Jean-Baptiste d'Espinose de la Caillerie (ESPCI Paris - PSL)
- Thursday, October 12, at 5pm
- Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes
"Reinventing commercial city entrances in the face of urban and climate challenges"
Speakers: François Cusin (Professor of Sociology, Dauphine-PSL), Antoine Frey (CEO of Frey), Romain Gaté (Senior Lecturer in Economics, Dauphine-PSL), Fabrice Larceneux (CNRS Research Fellow, DRM, Dauphine-PSL), Sarah Lasri (Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Dauphine-PSL) and Valérie Renaudin (Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Dauphine-PSL).
- Tuesday October 17, from 6pm to 7.30pm
- Salle Raymond Aron, Dauphine - PSL
2 screening-debates:
"L'enfer en est pavé"
Screening of an interactive film hosted by actress Muriel Pommier and produced by the "Des ponts à la place des murs" production company.
Our art opens doors to the imaginary and the possible, to awareness of others, and to our social, political and human environment.
Synopsis: In a world different from our own, a nationwide integration contest is launched. Just as the election of Miss France is supposed to elect the most beautiful woman, this great contest will reward the person (from a diverse background) who makes the greatest effort to integrate into the French norm...
- Tuesday, September 19, from 5.15pm to 7.30pm
- Amphi 8 Edgar Faure, Dauphine - PSL, open to all
"Bigger than Us"
Screening and discussion of the documentary in the presence of director Flore Vasseur and one of the film's 7 protagonists.
Shot in Malawi, Lebanon, Brazil, the USA, Greece, Indonesia and Uganda, BIGGER THAN US is a feature-length documentary about a generation fighting for human rights, climate, freedom of expression, social justice, access to education and food. From Rio to Jakarta, Melati, Rene, Memory, Winnie, Xiuhtezcatl, Mohamad and Mary stand up for a magnificent humanity, one of courage and joy, of commitment to something greater than oneself. Ranging in age from 18 to 25, they tell us how to live. And what it means to be in the world.
Event organized by Dauphine - PSL in partnership with ENSAD, Chimie Paris Tech - PSL and Observatoire de Paris - PSL.
- Tuesday, September 26, at 5:30pm
- Amphi 8 - Edgar Faure
Events for the beginning of the academic year: from September 6th to October 7th, 2023