“Complementary research skills between establishments allows PSL to increase synergies and innovate in multidisciplinarity” E.M. Mouhoud, President of Dauphine - PSL
“Complementary research skills between establishments allows PSL to increase synergies and innovate in multidisciplinarity” E.M. Mouhoud, President of Dauphine - PSL

PSL: PSL is celebrating its tenth anniversary. How do you see the progress achieved up to this point?

PSL has just succeeded in making itself a permanent fixture, by obtaining the status of “Grand Établissement”, following in the footsteps of Université Paris Dauphine - PSL and other component schools, following an excellent evaluation by HCERES. The creation of a research university, which has invented its own institutional model of integration, promises even more success. Having commemorated the 50th anniversary of Dauphine - PSL, we are particularly pleased to celebrate 10 years of PSL, especially since it has just been awarded a position in the international rankings among the world’s top 40 universities and is number 1 in the 2022 Young University Ranking from Times Higher Education.
PSL: What major scientific and academic achievements have marked the past ten years?
Going forward, the PSL Major Programs, following in the footsteps of Labex, will continue to structure and create dialog between our research teams.
First of all, PSL has been involved in creating major research programs (PR[AI]RIE 3IA Institute, its role in , ACSS Institute, and more) and their course counterparts, the 18 graduate programs training students through and in research from Master to PhD. For example, PSL’s cumulative strength in artificial intelligence has contributed to structuring research at a national level and the training of future elites ( – which includes a and leads the program EFELIA-PR[AI]RIE PSL, winner of the CMA-IA call for EOI for the PR[AI]RIE Institute). In many fields, complementary research skills between establishments allows PSL to increase synergies and innovate in multidisciplinarity, seen as “dialog between specialists”. Shared courses like CPES have also been reproduced at a national level. The structure of the shared support services (Sport, PSL School, etc.) continues to build PSL by sharing skills between the component schools. Going forward, the PSL Major Programs, following in the footsteps of Labex, will continue to structure and create dialog between our research teams.
First step in the selection process for PSL’s future Major Research Programs
PSL: What major challenges and issues do you think PSL will face in the next ten years?
There are two main challenges, which will allow us to build a strategy for the future that can be deployed using current resources.
- Creating bidisciplinarity from Bachelor’s to PhD, founded on increased cooperation between the component schools, from science and arts double Bachelor’s to double Master’s (engineering-management, AI-humanities and social science, climate change, experimental sciences-social sciences, etc.).
- Organizing an expansion in our student numbers without losing quality in recruitment, by evaluating the necessary means in terms of professor numbers, administrative staff and surface area, as part of the contract of objectives signed with the government.
PSL, 10 years on!
PSL is celebrating its tenth anniversary. To mark the occasion, we invite you to take a look back at some of our highlights over the last ten years - big science projects, new courses, an increased and diversified range of services, and international visibility - by highlighting the strengths of our associate members.

PSL, 10 years on!
PSL is celebrating its tenth anniversary. To mark the occasion, we invite you to take a look back at some of our highlights over the last ten years - big science projects, new courses, an increased and diversified range of services, and international visibility - by highlighting the strengths of our associate members.