IA Cluster :The PR[AI]RIE - PSAI project wins €75 million in funding
At a gathering of France's top artificial intelligence talents held at the Elysée Palace, Emmanuel Macron, announced the results of the IA Cluster program, a flagship initiative of the Secrétariat Général pour l'Investissement (SGPI) deployed as part of the France 2030 strategy.The program aims to consolidate artificial intelligence research and training clusters in France, with an endowment of 360 million euros distributed among the winning institutions.Funded to the tune of €75 million, the Paris School of AI (PR[AI]RIE-PSAI), a project led by ̳ in partnership with Université Paris Cité, CNRS, Inria and Institut Pasteur, receives the highest endowment. It will be launched in September 2025.
“A major development axis for PSL University, PR[AI]RIE - Paris School of AI (PR[AI]RIE-PSAI) capitalizes on the success of the 3IA PR[AI]RIE Institute to mobilize even more forces and considerably broaden the disciplinary spectrum.The strength of the consortium formed reinforces the international positioning of this project, whose impact will be felt in all areas of the University's activity, whether in research, education or innovation.”
Alain Fuchs, President of ̳.
As AI confirms its role as a disruptive technology and its impact on all sectors of society, the PR[AI]RIE - Paris School of AI (PR[AI]RIE-PSAI) project is positioned as a catalyst for innovation and research in AI, with the ambition of becoming the world leader that France needs to remain competitive on the international stage.
Winner of the IA Cluster call for €75 million, it brings together the same players who, since 2019, have made the 3IA PR[AI]RIE Institute a success and established it on the world stage as a leading player in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and training.
Taking full advantage of this momentum, PR[AI]RIE-PSAI will broaden the positioning of the 3IA PR[AI]RIE Institute, by federating the interdisciplinary research and training initiatives of its partners. The strength of the consortium is unique in this respect.
In terms of training, PR[AI]RIE-PSAI will offer a complete, integrated curriculum, from bachelor's degree to doctorate, as well as continuing education. Some of the innovative, multi-disciplinary courses that have already proved their worth, such as the CPES supported by ̳ or the , will be strengthened and joined by new ones: an international bachelor's degree, a master's degree in AI and Society and professional training courses. The aim is to create top-level public courses, in direct contact with the latest scientific innovations and adapted to every stage of students' lives.
In terms of research, PR[AI]RIE-PSAI, combining the expertise of ̳, Université Paris Cité, CNRS, Inria and Institut Pasteur, will multiply the annual number of new theses in core AI and AI+X by 2030, contributing to the advancement of AI on a global scale. It will also expand the pioneering work of the PR[AI]RIE Institute by extending its research areas to all disciplinary fields, including in particular the Humanities and the Arts.
Finally, in terms of innovation, PR[AI]RIE-PSAI, with the support of its partner companies, will set up integrated entrepreneurship programs and active support for the creation of start-ups, with the aim of fostering the emergence of 50 new deep tech companies by 2030.
The announcement of the results of the IA Cluster program marks an important milestone in the development of AI in France, confirming PR[AI]RIE-PSAI's central role in promoting innovation and excellence in this strategic field.
Consortium members

Press contacts
Laurène Martin – lmartin@madamemonsieur.agency - 07 85 69 93 82