Minh-HÃ Pham appointed Vice-President for International Relations at PSL
The PSL Board of Directors meeting on July 12, 2018 confirmed the appointment of Minh-HÃ Pham, formerly Scientific Advisor to the French Embassy in Washington, to the position of Vice-President for International Relations. She officially began the duties of the position on September 3.
The Vice-President for International Relations reports to President Alain Fuchs and is in charge of:
- Developing and implementing PSL’s international strategy;
- Supervising joint international initiatives between PSL members;
- Supporting the internationalization of joint programs in education, research, and innovation;
- Running the PSL international task force;
- Managing relationships with PSL’s international partners;
- Managing relationships with the French institutions in charge of international policy in higher education, research, and innovation.
A graduate of Institut National Agronomique de Paris-Grignon (Agro ParisTech), having completed two levels of PhD dissertations (thèse de 3ème cycle and thèse d’état), Minh-Hà Pham is a CNRS Research Director, First class.
As scientific advisor to the French Embassy in Washington from 2013 to 2018, she developed collaborative programs with major American research institutions.
Previously, she served as deputy director for the Asia-Pacific region from 2002 to 2007, then joined the ParisTech group as a representative for joint international relations until 2010, when she returned to CNRS as director of European and international relations until 2013.
She has directed the INRA laboratory for comparative neurobiology of invertebrates, published some hundred scientific articles, taught courses in entomology, helped launch a startup in cooperation with English partners, and coordinated a European program on the impact of pesticides on insect pollinators.