
Women in sciences: L'Oréal-UNESCO "rising talents" award to 10 doctoral and post-doctoral scientists


On October 1, 2020, ten young researchers from PSL received one of the 35 L'Oréal-UNESCO French "rising talents" awards under the "For Women in Science" 2020 program.

Les doctorantes et post-doctorantes lauréates des prix jeunes talents L'Oréal-UNESCO 2020

We hope that the laureates, as role models for the future generations, will empower women in their career against self-censhorship and lack of self-confidence. Alexandra Palt, Managing Director, Fondation L'Oréal

Doctoral students and post-doctoral scientists at Chimie ParisTech - PSL, Collège de France - PSL, Institut Curie, ENS - PSL, ESPCI Paris - PSL and Observatoire de Paris - PSL, Johanne Ling, Ralista Todorova, Sarah Lamaison, Marianne Burbage, Ada Altieri, Liat Peterfreund, Gaelle Rondepierre, Hanna Bendjador, Lea Bonnefoy and Lucie Leboulleux are among the 35 bright French researchers from the new generation of scientists granted the "rising talents" award by the L'Oréal-UNESCO "Pour les Femmes et la Science" program in 2020.

Their research works, selected by a jury of prominent researchers, contribute to make a better world: sustainable, resilient, inclusive. The ten young researchers are members in cutting-edge PSL laboratories, such as - PSL, , at ESPCI Paris - PSL, , , , ....

The rising talents award of the program promotes a new balance of power in the scientific world. The 10 winners, whose applications were selected among 700 others, were taken on because of the excellence of their works, the originality of their scientific project and their desire to transmit their passion to the youngest. Each winner will receive a research grant - €15,000 for doctoral students and €20,000 for post-doctoral fellows - and follow an additionnal training program to their scientific career in order to have the means to break the glass ceiling.

“We need to encourage young women in science to take the plunge!” : A joint interview with Fabienne Casoli (President of l’Observatoire de Paris – PSL), Anne Christophe (Deputy Director for Sciences de l'ENS - PSL), Geneviève Almouzni (CNRS Research Director at l’Institut Curie) and Annie Colin (Deputy Director at Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes).

The winners

Chimie ParisTech - PSL

  • Johanne Ling, doctoral student in the


  • Hanna Bendjador, doctoral student at and engineer from ESPCI Paris - PSL
  • Gaëlle Rondepierre, who's just finished her dissertation work at


  • Ada Altieri, post-doctoral fellow at
  • Liat Peterfreund, post-doctoral fellow in the Valda team, PJSE (UMR 8545) ENS - PSL, CNRS, Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, Inria


Observatoire de Paris - PSL

  • Lea Bonnefoy, doctoral student at , Observatoire de Paris - PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Université de Paris
  • Lucie Leboulleux, post-doctoral fellow at , Observatoire de Paris - PSL, CNRS, Université de Paris, Sorbonne Université

Institut Curie

  • Marianne Burbage, post-doctoral fellow at , ̳

Collège de France

  • Sarah Lamaison, doctoral student at
  • Ralitsa Todorova, post-doctoral fellow at
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