Fashion and Materials (ENAMOMA-PSL)

ENAMOMA-PSL is a program committed to creative and responsible fashion and materials. It proposes a space for interdisciplinary experimentation, combining academic, artistic, and professional expertise. The master’s degree trains future players in design, management, and engineering, intending to support the ecological, social, and technological transition.
The strength of the collective
The Fashion & Materials program is co-constructed by three PSL University institutions:
- Dauphine – PSL, a leading French and European institution of higher education in organizational and decision-making sciences,
- École des arts décoratifs – PSL, a historic institution founded in 1766, whose mission is to train authors and creative designers in the broad fields of plastic and visual arts, space, media, and design,
- Mines Paris – PSL, which since its creation in 1783 has been training top-level engineers capable of solving complex problems in various fields.
A meeting place for knowledge
The program is an innovative meeting place for students, teachers, researchers, artists, and professionals from the fields of design, management, and engineering. It enables students with diverse backgrounds to join the program for a course, a block of courses, a year or two years of the master's degree.
Creativity is approached at every stage of the fashion value chain. Materials are placed at the heart of user-oriented fashion design, in line with developments in materials science and engineering and the demands of eco-design. Applications range from ready-to-wear to luxury goods, including workwear and healthcare.
A commitment to the future
The program's focus on exploratory projects and close ties to research enable students to reflect on the transformations taking place in the fashion and textile industry. The program trains students to be open-minded and responsive to the many issues at stake in society. They learn to interact with the professional world and to be a driving force behind proposals to meet the challenges of ecological and social transition.
After completing the program, students move on to various organizations, with career opportunities in fashion houses, major international groups, emerging brands, development studios, evaluation agencies, CSR consultancies, manufacturers, associations, and federations. Some students also opt for an entrepreneurial project or follow a research path. Our alumni support the transformation of expertise and contribute to creation throughout the fashion ecosystem.
is multidisciplinary, with professors from the academic, artistic, and professional worlds.
Students are based in the ENAMOMA-PSL workshop space which is essential to the collaborative dynamic. They also move around the campuses of the three establishments and have access to the material library and specialized workshops at the École des arts Décoratifs.
- Espace ENAMOMA, Résidence St Jacques,
- Université Paris Dauphine - PSL,
- École des arts décoratifs - PSL,
- Mines Paris - PSL,

The Master in Fashion & Materials enables students to complement their initial expertise by connecting to related fields of knowledge. They develop a methodology to grasp interdisciplinary issues.
On completion of the program, students receive a diploma from PSL University, conferring the grade of Master (cf. ).
A composite, multicultural collective
Students with a clothing or textile design background can join the master's program in the first year. They are joined by other students trained in design, organizational science, or science and engineering, who can enter the master's program in the second year. The curriculum is designed to enable students from different backgrounds to meet and learn together.
The group is also rich in its diverse nationalities. Classes are taught in English, with occasional use of French for exchanges with the local ecosystem, and for certain personal projects for French-speaking students.
Three possible formats
The program can be followed as a full-time training course, with an apprenticeship, or as continuing education. Whatever the format, classes are held on Thursdays and Fridays during 9 intensive training weeks spread over the year.
In full-time study, students have free time to:
- develop their creations in the studio,
- take complementary courses within PSL's graduate programs,
- develop an entrepreneurial initiative,
- prepare a research project,
- or work as a freelancer or student employee.
Students in full-time study can also complete an internship at the end of the Master 2 program, from June to November (as a supplement to the compulsory internship for students entering Master 1).
In apprenticeship, students develop long-term experience in a company throughout one to two years. Missions are wide-ranging within various structures (associations, design offices, consultancies, federations, manufacturers, young brands, fashion houses, development studios, etc.).
Continuing education enables professionals to deepen their professional expertise in the fashion industry by learning about the challenges of the ecological and social transition.
Each student chooses the right track according to his or her academic background and professional project:
- “Creation” track (design profiles only): integration in Master 1 for comprehensive training at the heart of the Fashion & Materials program (blocks 0+1+2+3+4+5)
- “Explorations” track (all profiles): integration in Master 2, to understand the changes taking place in the sector and learn to develop propositions (blocks 0+1+2+3)
- “Transformations” track (all profiles): integration in Master 2, to understand the changes taking place in the sector and develop a creative project (blocks 0+1+5)
To acquire the foundations in areas outside your initial field of expertise, and understand how creation, in all its forms, can be a source for innovation and change. An essential moment for the emergence of an interdisciplinary collective dynamic.
Over 4 weeks, in September.
To reflect on the challenges of the ecological and social transition and associated areas of innovation at every level of the value chain.
Over 11 weeks, from October to December.
To work on the development of creativity and innovation, via design and an introduction to research. The development of an exploration project, alone or in pairs, enables the development of expertise.
Over 12 weeks, from January to June/September.
To work in interdisciplinary teams on an exploration project proposed by a partner organization with students from other PSL University programs. Prospective issues rooted in current affairs are proposed, with projects involving brands, materials, health, services, workwear, etc.
Over 10 weeks, from February to April.
To develop experience through a company internship, research internship, or entrepreneurial experience (with the support of PSL Pépite). For apprenticeship students, the professional experience extends beyond Block 4 and covers the entire course.
Over 5 to 7 months, from June to December.
To develop a creative project with interdisciplinary support.
Over 6 months, from January to July.
An important moment for socializing and sharing, which closes each academic year in mid-September. The exhibition enables students to present and discuss their projects with a wider audience: creative projects, research projects, and collaborative projects.
Teaching methods
Students enjoy a personal, interdisciplinary experience through a variety of teaching methods:
- “Business basics in cultural and creative industries” (block 0)
- “Basics in fashion design and materials” (block 0)
- “Sustainability behind the scenes” (block 1)
- “(Smart) textiles” (block 1)
- “Business model thinking” (block 2)
- “Biofabric” workshop (block 1)
- “Research by practice” workshop (block 2)
- “Workwear” in partnership with Culture(s) de mode (block 2)
- Participation in , with courses such as “Couleur, arts, industrie”, “De l’atome à l’objet, une réinvention éco-responsable des matières et usages”, “Eco-design” or “Fashiontech workshop: biomimicry and textile explorations”.
- “Fashion & materials in questions” (blocks 1 and 2)
- Collective of experts comprising 12 leading academics and professionals who debate with each other and the students (three meetings a year)
- Two day trips (to Troyes, Roubaix...)
- One 3-day study trip to France or a nearby European country
- Experimentation (block 1)
- Exploration project (block 2)
- Creative project (block 5)
- Collaborative projects (block 3)
- Annual ENAMOMA-PSL exhbition
- Engagement in the life of the Master
Course evaluation
Each course, project, seminar, or workshop earns ECTS credits. Assessment formats are varied: participation, reflective note, creative project, group project (challenge, reading workshop, development of an innovative business model, fablab prototype design, photoshoot, retro engineering, etc.), research project, experience report. The teaching team appreciates the students' involvement and learning approach throughout the courses, and their ability to develop and defend proposals. The work dynamic is both individual and collective.
Students are also encouraged to get involved in the life of the master's program, with a wide range of possible activities: student events, communication, contacts with alumni, organization of the meetings of the collective of experts, links with research, etc.
Level of diploma:
- Application for Master 1 (“Creation” track): Bachelor's degree or equivalent in fashion or textile design.
- Application for Master 2 (other tracks): Master 1 level or equivalent in one of the disciplines associated with the course (design, management and other organizational science, science and engineering).
Language level:
- Good command of the English language (minimum B2 level – attestation required for non-English-speaking candidates).
- Basic command of the French language (minimum A2 level– attestation required for non-French speaking candidates).
Admission process
Recruitment is based on and interview.
Applications include: a curriculum vitae, a cover letter, a portfolio for art students, a thesis or similar work for other students, contact details for at least one referee, transcripts of grades from higher education, language certificates (English and/or French). Official translations of all documents in languages other than French and English are required.
Application schedule for 2025
Online application: between January 14 and March 13, 2025.
→ Eligibility results: March 25, 2025.
→ Interviews for eligible candidates: March 31 to April 9, 2025.
→ Admission results: April 11, 2025.
Tuition fees for full-time students (2024/2025)
For the non-European Union candidates tuition fees for 2024/2025 academic year are 15.836 euros.
For the European Union candidates, tuition fees are based on total gross income of 2022 (2023 tax notice on 2022 income).
Overall gross income | Tution fees |
- Scholarship students on social criteria (France) |
Fee exemption |
Income less than 35,000 euros | 1.056 euros |
Between 35,000 and 45,000 euros | 2.112 euros |
Between 45,000 and 55,000 euros | 3.167 euros |
Between 55,000 and 70,000 euros | 4.751 euros |
Between 70,000 and 90,000 euros | 6.335 euros |
More than 90,000 euros | 7.918 euros |
Thanks to the sponsorship of the “”, candidates whose tax residence is in a country outside the European Union can apply for an excellence scholarship for the 2025-26 academic year. Conditions and the procedure are detailed in the .
Specifics for continuing education applicants
Only the Master 2 program is open to continuing education. A minimum of three years' professional experience is required (not required for initial training or apprenticeship candidates).
Candidates in continuing education who do not have academic training at Master 1 level must have obtained, through their experience, a level recognized as equivalent by the admission committee.
Additional compulsory document for the online application: a two-page written summary of professional career and skills developed.
Course fee for 2024/25 continuing education: 15,836 euros.
For students whose tax residence is in a member state of the European Union, an individual rate is applied (-30%) when the course participant certifies on his or her honor that he or she has not been financed by a third party.
The course is eligible for the “Compte Personnel de Formation – CPF”. RNCP number 34746.
School for registration : Dauphine - PSL
Degree issued : Institutional Master’s degree conferred by ̳

Opportunities within PSL
PSL University offers in all fields of knowledge, immersing students in the world of research right from the first year of their master's degree. The Fashion & Materials master's degree is connected to several graduate programs, in particular in Arts, Management and Engineering. Subject to availability, students can access specialty courses in various disciplines, and the master’s program likewise welcomes students from other courses.
Language courses are also available, in foreign languages or French for non-French speakers.
Research-based training
The researchers and PhD students involved in the program are supported by PSL , including “Centre des matériaux”, “Centre de Gestion Scientifique”, “Dauphine Recherches en Management” and “EnsadLab”. The program also benefits from the , which supports innovation in the fashion and luxury industries.
PSL University offers doctoral opportunities within its various doctoral schools. The doctoral program, for example, explores the shared territories of research and creation.
ENAMOMA-PSL offers a research seminar aimed at the academic and professional world, in the same spirit of transversality, creativity, and responsibility as the master’s degree in Fashion & Materials.
Double degree with the pre-doctoral curriculum of PSL's Graduate Program in Management
Fashion & Materials is one of the Master 2 degrees in the pre-doctoral curriculum of PSL University's Graduate Program in Management. Students enrolled in the Master 2 Fashion & Materials (full-time format) can register jointly for the Master 2 Research in Management. This double degree enables students to deepen their knowledge and skills in management research. For more information, see the Q&A section.
Thanks to a partnership with the in India, we welcome two Indian exchange students every fall, and students have the opportunity to spend a semester on the Bengaluru campus.
PSL University is also a member of the European consortium.
ENAMOMA-PSL is also a member of the , and participates in the project to promote the transmission of know-how, the creation of new tools, and the development of reuse and circularity in the cultural industries of excellence.
Other partnerships essential to our pedagogy are developed with , the, the , , , .
Four partners also place their trust in us each year to take part in our collaborative educational projects. For each project, the partner proposes a topic of exploration linked to the transformation of practices. Over 10 weeks, an interdisciplinary group of students develops a professional-level proposal, with the support of a pair of tutors and regular progress reviews with the partner.
Finally, the master’s degree trains students in direct contact with the fashion and textile industry. Over 50% of our students complete an apprenticeship, while others take part in an internship during or at the end of their training.
Support for entrepreneurship and professional integration
supports students and young alumni with a start-up project, or who are simply motivated by the desire to become entrepreneurs, as well as the , which helps young creators to think about, launch, and develop their entrepreneurial projects, and the , which offers a series of conferences. The program also aims to prepare young artists and designers for their professional careers and give them the keys to setting up their own business
Bianca, Alumna of the master's degree in Fashion and Materials
“My goal is to democratize textile recycling in the fashion industry by creating new materials from waste in the denim industry”
Bianca tell us her experience within the Fashion and Materials Master's program, a collaboration between Dauphine - PSL, MINES Paris - PSL and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD). Driven by the desire to change the fashion industry by creating new sustainable materials, she explain what led her here and presents us "Denimistry", her final year study project.

Université Paris-Dauphine - PSL, École des Arts Décoratifs - PSL and Mines Paris - PSL co-organize the program.
The multidisciplinary teaching team is drawn from these institutions, other academic institutions, and the artistic and professional world.
Each year, the program is presented during the open days of Ecole des Arts Décoratifs - PSL at the end of January (on-site and online), and during the Université Paris Dauphine - PSL Masters Day at the beginning of February (online). Open days are an opportunity to talk with the teaching staff and students.
We also answer your questions at
Courses are mainly taught in the ENAMOMA-PSL workshop housed in the (26 rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques 75014 Paris), where students can work individually and collectively on their projects. Courses also take place on the campus of Paris Dauphine, Ecole des arts décoratifs, and Mines Paris.
In addition to the , students have access to a and specialized (knitting, weaving, clothing, textile printing, screen printing, scenography, wood, engraving, metal, robotics, animation, photography, audio-video, ceramics, morphostructure, models, pre-press, etc.). The course also draws on the network of , depending on the needs of each project.
This is a PSL University diploma conferring the grade of Master (state-controlled – ).
Only one track is available to Master 1 applicants: the “Creation” pathway, which allows students to follow all the training blocks over two years. This pathway is open only to fashion or textile and materials design students.
For Master 2 applicants, there are two possible tracks, depending on the student's background and project: “Explorations” (blocks 0+1+2+3) or “Transformations” (blocks 0+1+5).
All students entering the program take Block 0, which introduces them to the fundamentals of management, fashion and materials, and Block 1, which develops their eco-design skills. Then in semester 2, they can either:
- Develop their understanding of innovation methods and dynamics and work on exploratory projects, one of their choice and another one in partnership with an organization (blocks 2 and 3)
- Or develop a creative project (block 5).
For eligible candidates, the choice of track may be discussed during admission interviews with the teaching team (and modified if necessary).
Students enrolled in full-time study have free time on most Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, which they can devote to a variety of objectives: deepening their personal work and creative practice, developing an entrepreneurial or research project, taking courses in other PSL programs in various disciplines (depending on calendars and seats available), freelancing or having a student job.
Apprenticeship enables students to benefit from professional immersion within an organization for one or two years. Apprentices spend 2 days a week at the university as well as several weeks of intensive training spread over the year. Depending on the track, they also spend 2 to 6 months working full-time in a company. Enrolment fees are paid by the professional branch, and apprentices are paid a percentage of the minimum wage, depending on their age, apprenticeship experience, and degree. It's a demanding and stimulating scheme for the apprentice, who commits to investing as much in his or her academic training as in working for the employer.
Yes, students enrolled full-time can benefit from an internship agreement during their Master 2, running from the beginning of June to the end of November, without having to re-register.
Each year, the course starts at the beginning of September and ends the following year in mid-September with the exhibition of all the students’ projects.
Students with a background in organizational science or science and engineering can apply for the Master 2 without any prior training in clothing or textile design. An introductory course is offered at the beginning of the year to familiarize students with the essential vocabulary and gestures. Interested students can pursue this freely by working with the ENAMOMA-PSL workshop manager.
However, this training for non-design specialists does not aim to develop dual expertise. The master’s degree enables students to acquire the foundations of knowledge and reflection in areas outside their initial field of expertise, so they can grasp the issues at stake by crossing disciplines. Each student comes into the program with his or her expertise, which he or she maintains, enhances, and transforms throughout the course, in contact with other students and the multi-disciplinary teaching team.
Holders of a bachelor's degree obtained during a 3- or 4-year course in France or abroad have the equivalent of a Bachelor’s level. This diploma can be used to apply for Master 1 only.
To apply for a Master 2 degree, you need a Master 1 or equivalent.
No. The profiles eligible for the Master 2 are very diverse (design, organizational sciences, science and engineering), but the Master 1 is only open to students with a Bachelor’s level in clothing or textile design.
A pre-selection for the Master 2 Fashion & Materials may be offered to candidates selected for the offered by Dauphine - PSL. Interested candidates are invited to indicate their interest in the Master 2 Fashion & Materials in their application letter for the Master 1 Research in Management.
Non-English-speaking applicants are required to certify a B2 level, based on the European Framework of Reference for Languages. Tests must be taken by certified organizations such as TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS.
We strongly recommend uploading the certificate for the application. If you are unable to submit this document before the closing of applications, you can upload your registration to a test for a nearby date, as well as any other useful information about your level.
Applicants who have studied or worked in an English-speaking institution for at least six months can provide proof of this experience instead of an English language test result.
Non-French-speaking applicants are required to have a basic command of the French language (A2 level). Tests must be taken by certified organizations such as DELF or TCF.
We strongly recommend uploading this certificate with your application. If you are unable to submit this document before the closing of applications, you can upload your registration to a test for a nearby date, as well as any other useful information about your level.
Applicants who have studied or worked in French-speaking institutions for at least six months can provide proof of this experience instead of a French language test result.
Recrutement process
See the Admissions tab for details of the documents required.
In addition to providing the required documents, when applying, candidates must also indicate their choice of track and format (full-time study, apprenticeship, or continuing education).
You can provide a sworn statement of all grades obtained. You'll need to produce the original transcripts when you register for your course.
Anyone making a false declaration on behalf of themselves or others is liable to the penalties laid down in article 441-1 of the French Penal Code, which provides for penalties of up to three years imprisonment and a €45,000 fine.
Applications must be completed and submitted on the PSL application platform. Applications submitted after the deadline or incomplete will be declared inadmissible, with no right of appeal.
Once you have completed your application on the platform, you must not forget to “submit” your file as the last step. If you don't, your application will not be considered.
No, this choice remains indicative at the time of application and may be discussed during interviews with the teaching team. The same applies to the choice between full-time study or apprenticeship.
If your application is placed on the waiting list, you can be informed of your possible admission at any time up to the start of the school year, depending on the confirmation of admitted candidates.
If you have any technical questions about your application on the platform, you can contact PSL's admissions department.
For any questions specific to the program, you can contact the ENAMOMA-PSL team.
Selections are based on academic results, professional experience, commitment, and motivation. For eligible candidates, the interview phase is designed to enrich this assessment by assessing the following elements in particular:
- General understanding of the curriculum and relevance to the candidate's profile and project
- Interest in the transformation of the world of fashion and materials
- Ability to thrive in the pedagogical context of the program
- Quality and potential of creations for candidates with an artistic profile
During the interviews, the jury will also assess the candidates' level of English, as well as basic mastery of the French language for non-French speakers.
The training program offers local supervision. Each year, around 10 students are admitted to the first year (M1) and 20 to the second year (M2).
Admission and registration
You can confirm the application for which you have obtained the admission result and wait for notification of subsequent applications. If you do not confirm your application, you will lose your admission. When confirming your application on our platform, please let us know at if you are still waiting for further results.
To complete your administrative registration:
- Your application must have been accepted by the program.
- You must have confirmed your wishes on the application platform within 15 days.
- You must have received the invitation to register.
- You must provide all the required documents (in particular, proof of the required diploma level and proof of language proficiency).
If you are missing a document, you will not be able to pay your tuition fees or obtain your student card and certificate of attendance.
Registration takes place at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, which offers an online procedure. The registration form sent by e-mail specifies the procedure. The instructions given in the invitation e-mail must be scrupulously followed.
Tuition fees
- Full-time study: see the Admissions tab for tuition fees.
- Apprenticeship: an apprentice is a full-time employee whose company, via the professional branches, covers the cost of training.
- Continuing education: see the dedicated section in the Admissions tab for fees.
A student is detached from his/her parents' tax household if he/she is financially independent (all the conditions below must be met):
- The student lives at a different address from his or her parents.
- The student no longer receives material support from parents/guardians.
- The student declares his or her own income (based on the latest tax assessment).
- The student has declared an overall gross income equal to and/or greater than 8,000 euros.
Applications are made directly on the . The “Mode & Matière” program is in the Dauphine drop-down list.
See the Admissions tab for details of:
- tuition fee exemptions,
- the call for applications for excellence scholarships, for students whose tax residence is in a country outside the European Union.
Students entering the Master 1 program commit to a two-year contract. Students entering the Master 2 program commit to a one-year contract.
The contract can start no earlier than 3 months before the start of the course and end no later than 2 months after the end of the course.
Since January 1, 2019, the age limit for signing an apprenticeship contract has been raised to 29, unless disabled status is recognized.
Formasup Paris IDF manages work-study contracts. Visit the for more information.
Apprentices who are employed by a company spend 2 days a week at the university (Thursday and Friday) and follow several intensive weeks of training spread over the year. Depending on the track they follow, they also spend 2 to 6 months full-time at the company.
You don't need to have found an apprenticeship contract to apply for the master’s program. However, each student selected will then be responsible for finding a host company.
Personalized follow-up is offered to each admitted student to help find a contract. A forum is also organized in May at Paris Dauphine.
Yes, but they must hold a “student” residence permit.
No. All students are part of the same group, together with students in full-time study or continuing education.
Continuing education
Anyone wishing to resume their studies after an interruption of at least 2 years in their initial course, and with at least 3 years' professional experience, is eligible for continuing education.
To enroll in the Master 2 continuing education program, you need to hold a Master 1 degree in one of the disciplines associated with the program (design, management/organizational science, science and engineering), or have obtained a level recognized as equivalent. This equivalence is assessed based on the summary of professional experience and skills requested at the time of application. Additional information may also be requested.
Continuing education students are part of the same group as students in full-time study or apprenticeship.
International students
PSL's Welcome Desk assists students with all administrative formalities (before and after arrival) and offers a range of cultural activities throughout the year: residence permit renewal, housing and insurance, health, transport, student jobs, museum visits, language tandems, etc.
Foreign applicants are encouraged to apply directly via the PSL application platform, regardless of their country of origin.
Alternatively, applications can be submitted via the CampusArt website for candidates residing in countries with a “Study in France” procedure (Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, South Korea, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Chad, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Republic of the Democratic Congo, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, USA and Vietnam).
Apprenticeship is open to all students, both from within and outside the European Union.
Applicants from outside the European Union must hold a “student” residence permit.
A good command of the French language (level B2/C1) is required to facilitate the search for an apprenticeship contract.
Research training and graduate programs
Inspired by the graduate schools of the world's leading universities, PSL's graduate programs are unique in the French university landscape. They offer excellent graduate training at master's and doctoral levels, drawing on the scientific strengths of all PSL's component institutions. Trained as close as possible to research in PSL's laboratories and its international partners, year after year you can build your professional project, whether in the private sector, research (academic or industrial), or entrepreneurship. A wide range of methodologies are employed: fundamental, experimental, and applied research, as well as action research and creative research.
Given its interdisciplinary nature, the Master in Fashion & Materials is associated with the , Arts, and Engineering graduate programs. As part of the Management graduate program, it is possible to take a double degree, enabling you to complete the Master 2 Research in Management at the same time as the Master 2 Fashion & Materials.
You can indicate your interest in the double degree in your cover letter when you apply for the Master 2 Fashion & Materials. If you are accepted, you may be offered registration for the double degree.
For students already enrolled in the Master 2 Fashion & Materials, registration for the Master 2 Research in Management is free of charge.
No, only students enrolled in full-time study can apply for parallel enrolment in the master’s in Research in Management.
Complementary courses to be validated for the double degree are: “Research design, quantitative and qualitative methodologies”, “Advanced perspectives in organization theories”, “PhD project”, “Research mission” (to be confirmed according to previous academic experience).
As for Fashion & Materials, the main language of instruction is English.
No, but students enrolled in full-time study can audit courses offered in the Arts and Engineering graduate programs, provided they have the required skills and subject to availability. In this way, they can reinforce their training through research and in research
Upcoming event :
Open Day
→ 2 online conferences :
- Friday 31 January 12.30pm (in French)
- Saturday 1 February 3.30pm (in English)
Application timelines
January 14 - March 13, 2025
More information
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